Friday, December 25, 2009

Naturally Speaking

I have a background in mathematics.  I still remember in first year math were I learned that you can disprove a theory by one example.  You cannot prove a theory by example, but you can disprove it by just one. 

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas came early

Well, Christmas came early in Haiti. 


Hello Folks,

My pen has fallen silent.  That's not because I haven't had any "experiences".  I have had many of them - daily even.  However, I've lacked one vital ingredient (well actually two) to write about them. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Driving 101

I remember many years ago, having a car on my foot.  Well, I repeated that experience today... sorta.
Made many trips to the hardware store today - fortunately we've worked out a  good deal with one that is very close to our worksite for our key ingredients - cement and steel.  I was buying some cement today.

Changing a Tire - only in Haiti

First of all let me say that I am capable okay.  But yesterday, I ran into a little challenge.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So, what's up.  Guess I'll start by telling you a little about my day.  Up at 5 am.  Its great to get a little time in the morning to start the day right - with a time for devotions and prayer.  It also allows me time to plan for the day.  However, a word of caution - the day often changes - by 8 am today my list was out the window and I now had a new list to work on.  Spent some time early this morning doing a little design work for the new building - its coming along nicely.  Also been doing accounting the last few days and its now nearly up to date.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rocky Road

Yes, I mean that literally. 

I have now been back in Haiti for just under a week.  My return has really been quite smooth and I'm certainly glad to be back.  There seems to be one thing that stands out more than others and that's the roads.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

La Fortresse November 09 Update

The construction project for the new Haiti Ministries Center is underway again, completing the first phase of the building so that the ministry can relocate into the new facilities.

I am excited to join Pastor Michel and Louise for a second term to complete the first phase of the Haiti Ministries Center. It will provide about 10,000 sq ft of floorspace.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Haiti Ministries - Overview of the Program

The following video is posted on youtube and provides background information for the ministry of Pastor Michel and Louise Charbonneau.  You may visit their website at Haiti Ministries

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

R&R - repost

What comes to mind when you think of having a little R&R in the Caribbean. For many, the first thought would be the wonderful beaches and the turquoise waters; lying in the sun, no agenda and sipping a cool refreshment. Ahh!

Well, that was not the first thing that crossed mine - but maybe it shoulda been.

Monday, April 13, 2009

RAH, RAH - repost Easter 08

As you already know this past weekend was Easter. There are many events on our calendar that lead up to Easter –these include Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday, and Lent. Lent is generally considered to be a time of mourning and repentance, it is also designated as a time of new life and hope based on the death and resurrection of Christ. Ash Wednesday begins the period of lent. Ashes (and sackcloth) traditionally represent mourning. The day before Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday, which is also known as Madis Gras or “Fat” Tuesday - has little or no religious significance and developed as a time of partying.

Here in Haiti,voodoo is openly practiced and the rah-rah season corresponds to the period of Lent. Rah-rah bands are especially active during this time. These are ceremonial gatherings of the local voodoo participants

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Evolving - repost

The subject of evolution is a fascinating one. It was 150 years ago that Darwin first proposed his theory. Not that this was necessarily a new idea, but his contribution was more in the way of explaining the process of Natural Selection – essentially as I understand it – small mutations occur within species, some of these may be advantageous to the species and so the process of Natural Selection generally favours the mutations which give the alleged advantage. Apparently over time (large amounts of time), and many many mutations, one
species will become or will mutate into another species. In this way all forms of plant and animal life have evolved from a primordial soup and over billions and billions of years. 150 years ago, Darwin himself noted a problem in that the fossil record does not show evidence of these mutations.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Update from Haiti - repost

I haven’t done this in a long while, so I thought I’d share with you a few (or one anecdote) from Haiti.

Its hot here, and I know that you snowbirds would really appreciate that at this time, but I’m thinking that cooler temperatures back home would be more enjoyable to me at least. We had a little break – where at least it would cool off at night – but I’ve noticed the temperature steadily climbing and I’m not looking forward at all to where it’s going. We are approaching rainy season and I will appreciate any cloud/rain that we get during the day. Unfortunately the way it works here is sunny days – rain at night. I know just what you snowbirds would be looking for.