Friday, December 25, 2009

Naturally Speaking

I have a background in mathematics.  I still remember in first year math were I learned that you can disprove a theory by one example.  You cannot prove a theory by example, but you can disprove it by just one. 

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas came early

Well, Christmas came early in Haiti. 


Hello Folks,

My pen has fallen silent.  That's not because I haven't had any "experiences".  I have had many of them - daily even.  However, I've lacked one vital ingredient (well actually two) to write about them. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Driving 101

I remember many years ago, having a car on my foot.  Well, I repeated that experience today... sorta.
Made many trips to the hardware store today - fortunately we've worked out a  good deal with one that is very close to our worksite for our key ingredients - cement and steel.  I was buying some cement today.

Changing a Tire - only in Haiti

First of all let me say that I am capable okay.  But yesterday, I ran into a little challenge.