Saturday, April 3, 2010

Updated Photo

Many of you who know me may have not seen me in several months or even over a year.  I've changed a bit in that time - I wouldn't say that I've aged - but lost a little weight coming to Haiti and the heat and sun may have had a little impact as well.

This is really not a photo per se, but an artists painting that I found at the site today.  I don't look at myself in the mirror - I mean not that closely - that often, so was a little surprised when I saw it, but have the assurances of the artist that this is an actual portrait - not a caricature. 

So, since I often receive teams at the airport, I thought that it would be a good idea to post a more recent picture. 

1 comment:

Chuck Dunker said...

Hi Bob, great photos, I can't wait to see it in person.