Thursday, December 10, 2009

Driving 101

I remember many years ago, having a car on my foot.  Well, I repeated that experience today... sorta.
Made many trips to the hardware store today - fortunately we've worked out a  good deal with one that is very close to our worksite for our key ingredients - cement and steel.  I was buying some cement today.

Just as I finished the purchase and was about to leave, I was approached by a gentleman.  He came right up to the drivers window to ask for money.  This is not uncommon - but usually at the hardware store, it occurs when the truck is being loaded, not when you are about to leave.  Often though you are also approach in your vehicle.  I listened a bit, picking up about 1/2 the words.  Enough to know that the man was asking for money.  My position that I've taken here, might sound a bit harsh to some, but I tip for service (ie the man that loads the bags on cement into my truck) but I do not give something for nothing.  I realize that the need is huge here, but I simply cannot give to eveyone who asks.

After listening for a bit and responding with "No" a few times, I prepare to leave.  The truck is a diesel, so when you turn the key on, you let the glow plugs warm up, that way it'll start right away and saves on the starter.  As I am letting it warm up, I push the clutch in and the KIA rolls forward a few inches.

The man looks and me and says - your on my foot.  I didn't understand at first.  So he repeats himself.  I understood, started the vehicle and backed up a bit to get off his foot.  Up to this point, the man was calm and quite, but suddenly he saw opportunity.  Actually, I think he saw opportunity as he approached the truck - why else would his foot be under my tire?  Suddenly he was hurt.  Now I think if I continue much more here you'll probably think that I'm really cold.  So, I'll fast forward a bit.

I got the man a chair, had him come over (behind the vehicle) to the front of the hardware store and sit.  Take off his shoe and sock.  There were a few melodramatics along the way.  Foot looked normal to me.  I noted the tire marks on his shoe - reached up about half way across his toes - it was his right foot, and the tracks started on the little toe side.  I saw no swelling, no twisted, broken or damaged toes - looked normal to me.  I asked him where it hurt and showed me the outside of his bit toe, the truck never even got that far.

Now this is a small hardware store, and the vendor was out front.  He speaks a little English and he is very proud of my Kreyole.  (hadda get that plug in).  He says to me in English - talking about the man whose foot I ran over - he is Haitian - if you know what I mean.  I understood.  He too saw the melodramatics.  I think that it comes on strongest when blanc is the driver.  Spells opportunity.  So he says to me - offer him $20 hd.  So I did. The man said no, said that he was injured (aka holding our for more).

Okay, so being fair, perhaps he was injured.  so the next step was to get medical attention.  Of course can't just do that, we need to have an x-ray first.  So, we sent the man with with an aid to get an x-ray.  The jury is still out - tomorrow we will get the x-ray and go to the Doctor. 

I remember cars - big old cars - right on top of my foot - got the tire tread imprint, that was all.  His foot, no marks, no tread. I am still thinking no problem with the foot.

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