Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pics from Haiti

Here are a few pics from Haiti.  These pictures are from our area between Delmas 31 and 75.  I understand that the worst devastation (if you can compare) is more in the core part of the city of PAP.


Apartment building – completely collapsed – I think it was 3 or 4 floors – we pass by it on our way to the airport from Pastor Michels.  Its about 1/2 way down on the corner of  Delmas 31

A Hotel – the first floor is now about 3 feet high and the building has a lean to it.  Big cracks all through the structure, but it stayed up and very survivable.

The school were we recovered Gandy’s body along with about 18 others.  We were able to bring 4 people out of the wreckage alive over a period of about 40 hours. The Church of the Rock is the damaged building that you can see in the background.  The ruble and twisted rebar is all that remains after the high hoe finished its search through the site to recover the bodies.

This Inn is across the road from the school.  At the main gate, the first floor is now about 4 ft high and the second floor has been completely flattened.

People are now putting up their own makeshift shelters.  MANY are sleeping on the streets in groups.  I would estimate thousands were sleeping on Delmas between #75 and #31 – a route that I’ve traveled several times of the last few days & nights.

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