Friday, March 26, 2010

Guardian Angel

Okay, first of all let me say that this note is not intended to be theologically accurate.  I am actually pretty ignorant on this particular subject - but just look at my posts - it hasn't required knowledge for me to write on various subjects in the past.

First of all, I would have to say that I have a very good guardian angel.  I can think of at least three situations, ah four... okay I'll stop counting... situations in the past where it must have been my guardian angel that saved me - because it certainly could have turned out much worse.

So, I feel very honored to join the ranks this week of guardian angels in training.  Thanks to Camiee - a member of our last team here - I am now the guardian angel of a black pig that roots in the yard next to the new building.  I made a promise - perhaps under a little duress - to keep an eye on the pig.  We've become good buds and I think he looks forward to my visits.

This is just a quick post for Camiee - to let her know that the pig (and I) are doing well.  Please pass the word along. 

Here is a pic to show you that all is well.  If you click on the picture it will open up as a bigger image.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob!
OH MY GOODNESS! I literally almost cried after reading this blog entry! First of all...thank you for taking over as my (well...not really but I love him so I will call him mine), pig's guardian! This picture doesn't show the rope around his neck! Is he untied or is it just not visible? he looks pretty happy! This is some seriously good "pig-humanitarian" work and some absolutely FANTASTIC pig photography! What have you named him? We just called him piggy mc pigerton...not very original but to the point I guess!
Again thank you and whenever (if ever) you have the time I'd love to hear how he is doing! And how you two are bonding of course. :)
Thanks again!
(Camiee -- funny spelling I know ((thanks mom & dad))